Microland conducts its business in a manner that is socially and environmentally responsible. We work with our customers, partners, and other stakeholders to deliver digital transformation that is sustainable and eco-friendly. Our employees are empowered to conduct business ethically and proactively manage the company's environmental, social, and governance (ESG) commitments.
Governance is foundational to our ESG practice. We understand that ESG is a social and business imperative and have embraced it by integrating the management and measurement of ESG programs into our planning and operations.
In 2023, Microland became a signatory of the United Nations Global Compact (UNGC). Being a signatory, Microland commits to embrace the 10 UNGC principles in the areas of human rights, labour, environment and anti-corruption. It will ensure inclusion of the 10 principles in the policies and practices within the organization, implement them, measure and report the progress in achieving them. Click here to visit the UNGC website and learn more about our commitment. |